Zaha Hadid: The Eighty-Nine Degrees (1983) and Patrik Schumacker: Parametricism (2009)

In today's architecture, digital tools for designing, such as CAD and 3D softwares are being used like pen and paper. Parametric design emerged due to advancements in digital tools and is ever changing depending on these tools, context and techniques. Like now technological advancements and industrialization affected architecture that was reflected through Modernism, advancement in digital technology is being depicted through Parametric architecture (Fig1a-1c shows parametric projects in UAE)

Fig1c: Masdar City
Photo credit: Aashika Shibu
Fig1a: Al Bahar Towers
Photo credit: Aashika Shibu
Fig1b: Capital Gate Tower
Photo credit: Aashika Shibu

Through the article Parametricism (2009), Patrik Schumacher's main aim was to layout ground rules for parametric design which is being followed even today. Throughout the article, he mentions Parametricism as the style after Modernism. Moreover, parametricist urbanism creates a relationship between systems such as fabric modulation, street systems, and systems of open spaces. It also aims to construct new field logics that vary through fabric modulation, street systems and a system of open spaces. Thus the instrumental process of relativity and organization of spaces is treated more like a design aesthetic. Further, he imposes his ideas on the reader. This is demonstrated in his use of negative and positive heuristics, which is a paradox in itself because to be heuristic is to be exploratory or  to push outside of the limits. The relevance of parametric modeling is instrumental in the process of changing and observing possibilities in a design scheme. It feels as though Schumacher is overlooking the actual potential of Parametricism to aid in the process of creating "new paradigms". Additionally, it also seems like the words parametricism and parametric bear the same relationship that scientism does to science.

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, Scientism means, “A term applied to a belief in the omnipotence of scientific knowledge and techniques; also to the view that the methods of study appropriate to physical science can replace those used in other fields such as philosophy, human behaviour and the social sciences.” Parametricism, on similar lines, comes across as a belief in the omnipotence of parametric knowledge and techniques bent on replacing all others.

However, he thinks Parametricism has been misunderstood as irregular building structure/form or abnormal building appearances which are designed by inhuman machines. Let us investigate some differences or similarities between Parametricism and Modernism:

Rules of Thumbs


     Negative Principles: Avoid rigid forms, simple repetition and collage of unrelated items
     Positive Principles: Forms must be soft and systems must be differentiated and correlated

 Five Agendas
    1. Parametric Inter-articulation of sub-systems
    2. Parametric accentuation
    3. Parameteric figuration
    4. Parametric responsiveness
    5. Parametric Urbanism - Deep relationship 

              Five Points
    1. Pilotis
    2. Open design of plan
    3. Free facade design
    4. Strip windows
    5. Roof garden
Although the five rules of the two are very different, they imply to hold a strong relationship with each other.

Social Aspect

While Parametricism is a way to articulate the increased complexity of the society and modernism aims for a homogeneous society for people, both approaches seem to adopt the idea of collective supremacy above all needs. Modernism was made possible through industrialization and was presented as a style of the mass society (Fig. 1). On the other hand, Parametricism, was made possible through digital scripting technologies and is a complex design tool (Fig. 2).

Fig1: Public Housing, 1946-1952 Marseilles, France by Le Colbusier
Photo credit: 
Fig2: Mirador (Madrid, Spain) MVRDV, 2007
Photo credit:

According to Schumacher, form finding in Parametricism is a result of law governed forces that interact with each other. Whereas, in Modernism, form follows function and that is the law. Nevertheless, it is fair to say that the geometry of both are completely opposed and yet are derived from same basic concept that is nature's logic. Modernists rely on ideal geometrical figures like cubes, cylinders, and pyramids (Fig. 3); on the other hand, Parametricism animates geometrical entities – splines, and nurbs as fundamental geometrical elements (Fig. 4)

Fig3: Modernist Ontology
Photo credit:
Fig4: Parametricist Ontology
Photo credit:

In Parametricism, the design scale varies from materials to building upto city scale whereas in Modernism, they deal with social aspects and art along with its overall scale. While modernists in its very nature explains each step that is taken in its process, parametricists see it through its geometry. The parameters of this geometry are arbitrary as what determines the overall shape could vary from restrictions in digital modelling to construction techniques.

Fig4: Parametricist Ontology
Photo credit:

Fig4: Parametricist Ontology
Photo credit:

Parametricism stresses on dynamic interaction, consistent changes, adpativeness, open-end, and individualization design which will add onto the radical changes in social and economic sectors.  Modernism was founded on the concept of space; while parametricism is differentiated through fields (Fig 5). The field breaks the boundary of the separated spaces, and develops open-end spaces with connections.
Fig5: Field Diagram
Photo credit:

Fig6: Beijing Galaxy SOHO, Zaha Hadid Architects, 2012
Photo credit:

For instance, The Galaxy SOHO (Fig.6) designed by ZHA in 2012 which located at the economic center of the city Beijing shows the concept of field in the spaces design. The architecture facilities a dynamic economy and the continuous human movements. The building is a composition of five continuous, flowing volumes that are set apart, fused or linked by stretched bridges. These volumes adapt to each other in all directions, creating a panoramic architecture without corners or abrupt transitions that break the fluidity of its formal composition.

In conclusion, it seems that the new style of Parametricism is not so form based as it is performance based. Considering that the two are not mutually exclusive, it is necessary for parametric projects to prove their efficiency in terms of tackling with the current issues. Also, the relationship between modernism and parametricism seems vague as they have certain similarities as well as differences between them. It must also be considered that the field of architecture is not merely about creating buildings that look different but must also be about addressing social and sustainability issues. 



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