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Lebbeus Woods: Manifesto (1993)

Lebbeus Woods brings his readers an opportunity to experience a kind of space that hasn't been experienced before through the use of opposites that use it in an enigmatic way. His dystopian ideologies are often set in disaster struck regions like Havana and New York that adopt a sort of faceted layer methodology over the destruction caused by the war. Strangely, his writing seems extremely pessimistic but when you look at his other works, architectural ambitions and drawings, he seems to have changed the way young architects think. (Fig1a&1b) It seems as though drawings transformed him and vice versa. Together they seem to have transformed the entire discourse. His visions are extraordinary and fragile which adds onto its durability. Fig1a:  Lebbeus Woods, “Metastructure,” from ‘Bosnia Free Zone’ (1993), showing the wall of the Bosnia Free State Photo c redi t:

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